Peach Aviation RECRUIT SITE


We're the Peach people.

We call staff who work at Peach Peach people.
We've compiled the sentiments that have been generated amid trial and error to make Peach better.


First, we try to do everything on our own

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As our department does unprecedented things, it isn't as if someone will have the answers.
First, we offer a greeting when we come across something new, then make an all-out effort in the way we feel is best.
Then someone will appear to offer a helping hand.
As we continued to progress in this way, I got into the habit of trying things out on my own.〈 Staff, Data Driven Marketing 〉

Interest and curiosity toward new things

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As this is a company that advances into new areas without being bound by the conventions of the industry or existing businesses, you can't keep up unless you have a broad vision and relentless curiosity.
Conversely, it's possible to say that you're given massive opportunities to be involved in unchartered areas, and that fulfills my sense of curiosity. 〈 Staff, Legal & Compliance 〉

Respecting peers with whom we work

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In order to make communication smooth with people in other departments, I make it a rule on a daily basis to think first of using my work and my knowledge to support someone who is facing issues in another department.
As a result, I understand what all the staff at our company do and the state that the company is in and I can use that for my own duties as well.〈 Staff, Corporate Communications 〉

The fact that we are professionals

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While I joined the company two years out of school without previous industry experience, as an individual who has an integral role in operations, I feel the need to continue to develop as a professional without accepting everything and being able to do what is expected for supporting safe operations on a daily basis as expected.〈 Pilot Trainee 〉

My pride and happiness

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I take care in offering customer service in such a way as to help customers create once in a lifetime memories of their travels.
I make it a rule to offer customer service from the customer perspective, and pay careful attention in approaching passengers when I am questioned by those who aren't used to aircraft.
I was very pleased when our passengers thanked me as they stepped off the plane and when I received thank-you letters. 〈 Cabin Attendant 〉

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Thoroughly enjoying an ever-changing Peach while simultaneously growing our fan-base

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A passenger said to me during a flight that Peach's CAs always looked like they were enjoying themselves and felt that my feelings of enjoyment were being conveyed to our passengers.
Friends and family say the same thing.
I would like to increase the number of Peach fans that we have without changing this stance.〈 Cabin Attendant 〉

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Always thinking about the feelings of others

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As we are an aggregation of employees with various backgrounds the empirical values are also varied.
While the number of years that people are employed by Peach may be few there are many people with wonderful experiences and knowledge, so I would like to learn many things from such peers for self-development. 〈 Staff, Kansai (KIX) Airport 〉

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OOKINI (True Thanks)!

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True thanks to our customers. True thanks to the people we work with. True thanks to Peach, too, for letting us work jobs that we love.

*Ookini is Kansai (Osaka) dialect which means "thank you."〈 Cabin Attendant 〉

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A work environment where there are no barriers

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I had a preconception that airlines might tend to be a place where the things that operations crew and maintenance people said were everything and ground handlers had extremely weak positions, but at Peach it's possible for ground handlers and everyone to speak as an equal regardless of their position.〈 Staff, Ground Operations 〉

Work is to be done seriously while it is enjoyed at the same time

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There are people with various backgrounds.
We can encounter new things both on the ground and in the air.
There may be different opinions and there will be conviction and surprises.
These things become visible when each of us tackle our jobs seriously.
I, too, set out to do my job seriously and devote myself to my work while looking for new discoveries and having fun. 〈 Captain 〉

Go to Captain Interview

First, it's safety; second, smile

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Back when I flew Peach as a customer, I didn't know that the job of cabin attendants was safety first.
Since joining the company I watch senior staff do their best for safety and for passengers and study every day.
Even within such a tough setting, those who are senior to me are all bright and cheerful and create a wonderful atmosphere.
As my history with the company will grow from this point onward I would like to spare no effort in following after their footsteps to try to create a cheerful atmosphere on our aircraft. 〈 Cabin Attendant 〉

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To be original

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We made a partial introduction of telephone AI in order to boost efficiency (automate) the handling of external calls.
The reason why we made original logic was for reducing costs and because it wasn't fun to do the same thing that others were doing. 〈 Staff, Innovation 〉

We don't need sectionalism

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If we work without lending an ear to others saying "That doesn't have to do with our section", we'll become people who don't know anything.
We can obtain useful information by always having our antennas on.
That's a characteristic of Peach. 〈 Flight Operations Quality, Standards and Engineering 〉

Doing things in the Peach style without being bound by the past

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No matter how extensive your experience may be, it'll be boring (un-Peach-like) if you do your job with things as they stand.
Even for similar duties you should attempt lower costs and more creativeness.
In my recent work I leverage my experience to deal with local administrative bodies.
Here, too, it's important to be flexible without being bound by past methods.
That's what's pleasing about working at Peach, which doesn't want to become a regular company.〈 Staff, Corporate Planning 〉

Putting our hearts into each flight

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There will never be another flight where all the passengers and all the crew are the same.
Because it's an environment where various passengers fly Peach, I would like to treat each flight with care.
And it's an all-out baseball game everyday so we can have our passengers step off the plane with smiles on their faces. 〈 Cabin Attendant 〉

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Peach wants to be an interesting company.
In order to be recognized by society as an interesting company, it wants to be a proper company, it wants to do a good job, and I, too, want to be a good person and work with good people.〈 Staff, Corporate Planning 〉

Improvement and reform

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Following existing methods won't lead to improvement and new things won't be created.
Not much time has passed since its establishment and because of that, there are still lots of ways to make improvements in the area of my responsibility and I make efforts with an awareness of that.〈 Staff, Accounting 〉

100% motivated! 100% gratitude!

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The service industry isn't simply about dealing with customers;
I always put all I have into my work when dealing with partners and related staff, feeling gratitude toward them for being involved with Peach. In line with the core values of the company to "Share Happiness", I aim to become someone who can show through my actions the happiness aspect of the Peach brand.〈 Staff, Corporate Communications 〉

Go to "1 Minute Peach"

Demonstrating our integrated strengths as an organization

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Close collaboration between ground operations, maintenance, passenger service, and other related sections is indispensable for operations control.
In order to offer safe, comfortable flights, I am aware of these things every day as I make efforts to demonstrate the comprehensive strengths of our operation control center (OCC).〈 Dispatcher 〉

Go to Dispatcher Interview

Challenging but Exciting

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I made a career change from a handling company to an airline with my love for dynamic airport operations. The joy of being able to do a job that I love while making bold challenges in dealing with our various customers at the airport and their needs and complaints that continue to increase is challenging but exciting.〈 Staff, Naha (OKA) Airport 〉

Our belief that "at the end of the day, it's for people"

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Although it's easy to forget when I'm dealing with aircraft which are machines every day, I can endure difficulties by believing that customers are happy when our aircraft fly and that my current job helps people.〈 Staff, Engineering & Planning 〉

Go to Engineering / Staff Interview

Taking initiative

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I feel that human resources in an organization must be about multiplication and not subtraction. 〈 First Officer 〉

Go to First Officer Interview

Modesty and gratitude + direct communication

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It's much more efficient to have people speak their minds to each other than to guess.
What is important at that time is to feel gratitude and modesty toward the other person.
As long as that is done properly, most of our employees will lend an ear to you and take the time to listen to you, and they'll also help you out.
That's what Peach's Respectful & Understanding is about.〈 Staff, Culture & Talent Acquisition 〉

Total partiality to the quality of the job and the results without compromise

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I joined the company at the outset when there was nothing here.
Taking on various responsibilities regardless of our area of expertise, I have a real sense that we built the company from scratch.
My family was pretty happy when an image of me doing high-fives with passengers on our inaugural flight was printed on the front page of a national newspaper.〈 Staff, Legal & Compliance 〉

Especially so as an LCC, aircraft safety is priority number one

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The safety of aircraft is no different, whether it's a full service carrier (FSC) or an LCC.
An LCC flies many people on the same aircraft and for that reason, everyone who is involved prioritizes safety.
It's particularly because we're an LCC.
I launder gloves that can still be used while thinking that it's because we shoulder the safety of the company that its logo is on the backs of the maintenance uniforms.〈 Aircraft Mechanic 〉

Go to Aircraft Mechanic Interview

Open minded company culture

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Peach has been making efforts to attract talents from not only Japan but also overseas, which speaks a lot about an open minded company culture.
The cultural diversity is a scene you don't see often in other Japanese offices.
As a Chinese I feel fully respected and welcomed working in this office.
Kindness and cultural awareness are observed by all colleagues to make sure it's a warm and welcoming environment for each and all.
I'm glad and inspired to work together with people from different backgrounds here in Peach.〈 Staff, Airport Standards 〉

Without a strong will and passion for motivating people, nothing new can be achieved

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The proposal of new projects (strategic methods).
While it's common sense for the aviation industry, we have captured this and made proposals from different perspectives.
Despite a large number of adverse opinions, we have continued to explain the effects and deliverables, the results of which have been moves begun toward realizing our projects, including those who had not initially been cooperative.
New things will not be successful unless there is passion and a strong will to move people.〈 Staff, Revenue Management 〉

A flight full of respect
for everyone